GrowSafe Forms Strategic Advisory Committee

GrowSafe Systems, Ltd is pleased to announce a deeper commitment to industry involvement in its commercial strategy, research and innovation with the establishment of a formal Strategic Advisory Committee. GrowSafe has a long history of collaboration with researchers, universities, producer groups and government agencies and the establishment of this committee further underlines GrowSafe’s commitment to working alongside the world’s leading scientists, educators and business leaders.

Through collaboration, this committee will harness their diverse experiences and backgrounds to help define key strategic areas of focus for GrowSafe and subsequently support and guide the company’s activities towards the development of viable products in these areas.

“Bound by the belief that agriculture, technology, research and science go hand in hand, we are thrilled about the foundation of this committee,” said Gareth Llewellyn, Vice President of GrowSafe Systems. “This group will play a key role in providing guidance related to our innovation and strategic direction that will directly result in valuable commercial solutions for producers in all stages of beef and dairy supply chains.”

Introducing our new
Strategic Advisory Committee:

  • John Genho: Genho is a geneticist with Neogen’s Geneseek operation where he specializes in genetic evaluations for beef cattle. He has a rich history in the cattle industry and has been GrowSafe’s partner in genetic evaluation for many years. Genho has a BS in Animal Science from Brigham Young University, an MS in Animal Breeding and Genetics from Cornell University with a minor in biometrics and statistics, and an MBA from Duke University.
  • Monty Kerley, Ph.D. Kerley was a professor of the University of Missouri in the Division of Animal Sciences from 1987 through 2017. His research focused on ruminant nutrition, emphasizing beef and dairy cattle. His research covered the nutritional value of feed ingredients in relationship to residual feed intake phenotypes, and culminated in developed a ration formulation approach for ruminants that balances amino acid nutrition relative to diet energy density for beef and dairy cattle. Dr. Kerley was one of the GrowSafe’s first customers, purchasing his first system in 2001.
  • Jim Lowe, D.V.M. As well as running his own consultancy business, Dr. Lowe is an Associate Professor and Head of the Integrated Food Animal Management Systems Section, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Director of the i-Learning Center for online veterinary education in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois and has an adjunct appointment in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine / Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University. Dr. Lowe has experience across global markets with pork and beef producers, along with packer-processors, food retailers, restaurant chains and all of the major multi-national animal health suppliers.
  • Tommy Perkins, Ph.D. Perkins serves as Associate Professor and is holder of the Dean Hawkins Endowed Chair for Cow Calf Management at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. He was elected to the Beef Improvement Federation Board of Directors and also serves as chairman of the End Product Committee. Additionally, he currently serves on the board of directors for the Texas Beef Council, Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas, and the National Pedigreed Livestock Council. Dr. Perkins was previously Executive Vice President of the International Brangus Breeders Association.
  • Mark Roach: Roach was Executive Director of Cogent Breeding Ltd from 1998 to 2006 and Managing Director from 2016 to 2019. Since 1998 he has been the Managing Director of Grosvenor Farms Ltd, Cheshire, a large-scale mixed farming business, part of the Duke of Westminster’s Eaton Estate covering 11,000 acres. Roach is a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Society of England; a Governor of Harper Adams University; a member of the Dairy Science Forum; a trustee of The Dairy Futures Charity and a partner in a large US dairy farming business.

The Strategic Advisory Committee will serve as strategic partners and advisors to GrowSafe as they bolster their innovation related to efficient production of beef and dairy products, helping their customers build a more profitable and sustainable future.


GrowSafe builds advanced animal agriculture systems helping producers respond to these challenges in a sustainable way. GrowSafe’s advanced data acquisition platform features integrated hardware and software analytics that provide producers with data to make better decisions for their operations. Today, GrowSafe is helping to raise more efficient, environmentally friendly and healthier animals in 22 U.S. states, seven Canadian provinces and on farms in Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Uruguay, Namibia, South Africa, New Zealand and across Europe.

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