Nebraska Veterinary Service Reaches Highest Standing with Full-Service Reproductive Offerings

Nebraska Veterinary Services (NVS) originated as a traditional veterinary clinic. During its evolution, it faced numerous growth possibilities that might have steered a more random developmental course.  

Today, due to a single-minded focus on the client’s best interests, it showcases a multi-faceted reproductive program helping it stand tall as a strong and viable Powered by Vytelle® satellite.  

“In 2019, our basic facility was workable, but we needed to branch out,” says Dr. Ben Eilerts, NVS DVM. “First and foremost, we focused on our customer’s wishes—a reproductive program. Initially, it was artificial insemination (AI) on the farm, then embryo transfers (ETs) became more popular, and now with IVF, it’s grown exponentially.” 

NVS now operates in multiple locations across West Point, Howells, and Wisner, Nebraska. 

“We began our reproductive program at our main clinic while housing donors off-site for logistical reasons,” Eilerts explains. “Expanding and building a new facility with onsite housing helped us keep track of donors closer to home and the chute. Producers freely drop off donors for flushing whenever it lines up for them.”   

Eilerts takes pride in helping shape NVS as a full-service operation. 

“Our repro offerings range from oocyte collections, creating embryos, transfers, pregnancy checking, and even assisting with calving when we can,” he says. “It’s herd health, vaccinations, and synchronization protocols. We’re perfectly positioned to troubleshoot issues because we’re linked from the beginning to the end step of creating a live calf.” Additionally, “We have a support staff here at NVS that is second to none, they make sure your donor OPU collection runs smoothly, but also are there for our clients all the way up to show day or sale day lending a helping hand!” 

Counting on a data-driven approach 

NVS emphasizes a data-driven approach in all its efforts. This begins with working side-by-side with Vytelle, who provides a solid data set from donors at the chute. 

“We step forward by putting the embryos in, following up with conception rates, and gathering live calf data,” Eilerts says. “Our long-term involvement helps us use our collected data for our producers’ benefit.” 

Grady Bishop, Vytelle’s Vice President of Global Marketing seconds this statement, emphasizing NVS’s comprehensive reproduction solutions due to their large number of vets on staff, access to recipients, and donor housing. “They offer access to the IVF ecosystem’s full package; a top-tier provider,” he says.  

NVS has been involved in IVF since its beginnings in 2020, having completed nearly 2,500 OPU procedures resulting in just shy of 14,000 embryos created with thousands of transfers and healthy pregnancies in the books.  

“The exceptional NVS professionals are tried, true, and trusted,” Bishop says. “They’ve seen it all and gained the ability to consult with clients on creating a successful IVF program by getting the maximum out of their donors and recipients.”  

For Eilerts, managing expectations is integral to delivering advanced reproductive services. 

“The more data we collect, not just chute side on collection day, but also down the road when we’re transferring the embryo and preg checking, the easier it is to provide a better understanding of the entire process and exactly what to expect,” he says.  

And what customers can expect from NVS is consistency in getting more calves on the ground, adds Bishop. “They’re data-driven, but a program’s success rides on having those IVF pregnancies. NVS has done an excellent job of tracking and collecting customer data to remain consistent with great results on both frozen and fresh embryos.”  

IVF ease and convenience tops industry changes 

With the Vytelle ADVANCE™ IVF process becoming the standard due to its no-shot, FSH-free collection protocols, it’s feasible that donors can be picked up from pasture, collected in a few minutes, and on their way home again. 

Rather than conventional flushing with 30-to-45-day interval collections on open females, today’s IVF collects every 2 weeks up to 100 days of pregnancy. 

“It’s especially key for later, older donors when owners want a few more calves out of their beloved, prized animals,” Eilerts says. “Plus, it can be better for the cows as they stay in the production system during the process. They’re not held open for extended periods, causing them to get stale, which can be a huge benefit.” 

Producer’s success continues with nutrition. “Don’t be satisfied with just a solid donor nutritional and mineral plan. Make sure recipients are getting the same treatment. Large amounts of money are invested in transferring embryos to recipients to produce live calves. If they’re also on a high nutritional plane, they’ll be the best recip candidates they can be.” 

Improved records drive superior results  

Eilerts notes that producers sharing accurate records allows NVS to improve long-term results and troubleshoot deficiencies more effectively. 

Bishop agrees and adds, “Their competence is demonstrated loud and clear by having one of the lowest incidence of donors producing zero embryos from collections. It’s consistently one of the best locations we have, demonstrating the success of their system. They do an outstanding job of working with clients, selecting donors, assessing matings, and optimizing all the various pieces for a productive OPU session and successful IVF program.”  

Since its 2020 beginnings, the NVS embryo development rate (EDR) has shown continuous improvement in Grade 1 embryos created, improving 20%, resulting in  3 more embryos per OPU procedure.  

“The results speak for themselves,” Bishop stresses. “NVS has hundreds of satisfied clients and thousands of successful transfers and pregnancies.” 

Vytelle covers the bases 

Eilerts credits Vytelle for IVF simplicity before, during, and after OPU procedures. 

The no-shot FSH-free protocols allow producers free rein on donor selection as they’re all on the same schedule. He appreciates the skills of OPU technicians who communicate and outline practical expectations. Finally, Vytelle produces a reliable and consistent product. 

“We know exactly what we’re getting with frozen and fresh embryos,” Eilerts says. “Vytelle’s product consistency helps our customers improve their conception results. Of course, everyone wants to hit a home run, but managing expectations and maintaining reliability is key. Vytelle’s consistency drives our client’s success.”  

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