Commercial Cattleman at Forefront of Genetic Gains through IVF 

Filling the Northern Gap 

Vytelle and local artificial breeding company Gener8 Reproduction have introduced IVF services to north Queensland, addressing a significant gap in the region. 

Gener8 co-principal Dr Callan Solari highlighted the benefits of partnering with Vytelle, a globally established IVF company. “High-quality direct thawing of frozen embryos, in my opinion, is the future of IVF and ET,” Callan said. This process is particularly advantageous in north Queensland, enabling consistent success despite challenging distances. 

IVF Not Just for Seedstock 

Gener8 has seen substantial interest from commercial cattle producers, illustrating that IVF is no longer exclusive to seedstock operations. Producers are increasingly investing in propagating elite genetics within their herds. “To put it simply, one of the commercial producers said it is better than AI; not only do you get to choose the bull, but you get to choose the cow,” Callan said. 

The ability to offer outcome-based pricing has also been a major drawcard for commercial producers, providing greater certainty around their return on investment. 

Overcoming the Tyranny of Distance 

Callan explained that successfully transporting fresh embryos across Queensland has historically been nearly impossible. However, Vytelle’s frozen embryo process has overcome this hurdle. “The DT frozen embryo allows us to travel huge distances without impacting embryo quality, and that is a key factor here in north Queensland,” Callan said. 

Endless Opportunities in the North 

The potential for growth in assisted reproductive technologies in northern Queensland is significant, according to Callan. However, it relies on industry education and awareness. 

Vytelle’s hormone-free in vitro fertilisation (IVF) services simplify the process for producers, requiring no more labour than a fixed-time AI program. Each program involves stock being yarded just three times, minimising disruption. 

Frozen embryos further enhance convenience and logistics, as donor OPU and recipient processes do not need to align perfectly. 

The Importance of Recipient Management 

Recipient management is critical to the success of IVF programs, and Gener8 is educating producers on this essential aspect. 

Selecting Recipients 

The first step in successful recipient management is selecting the right females to carry embryos. Tips for success include: 

  • Ensure recipients are at least 60 days postpartum and exhibit regular estrous cycles before synchronisation. 
  • Administer pre-breeding vaccinations 30 to 45 days prior to embryo transfer (ET). 
  • Avoid significant nutritional changes 30 days before and 45 days after ET. 
  • Minimise transportation and handling around ET to reduce stress. 

Managing Nutrition 

Recipient cows should be in moderate body condition before receiving embryos. Thin recipients may indicate a negative energy balance, adversely affecting pregnancy rates. 

A positive nutritional plan, including complete mineral and trace supplementation, should begin at least 30 days prior to ET. This ensures recipients are on an upward nutritional plane, supporting better synchronisation responses and pregnancy success. 

Synchronisation and Embryo Transfer 

Estrous synchronisation protocols, guided by a veterinarian, are critical for recipient preparation. Recipients should be in heat 7 to 8 days before ET, with ultrasound or palpation confirming the presence and quality of a corpus luteum. 

Matching embryo genetics to suitable recipients is also vital. Place calving ease embryos in younger females and utilise experienced cows for carrying larger or less proven genetics. 

Gener8 Producer Day: Educating for Success 

Gener8’s annual producer day, held alongside the Big Country Bull Sale, provides a platform for producers to learn about Vytelle’s IVF process and its benefits firsthand. 

Dr Lee Taylor will present a session on bovine health, with insights into managing reproductive efficiency. Producers will also gain a deeper understanding of data usage and estimated breeding values (EBVs) for herd improvement. 

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