IVF a game changer at Cherrylock 

Cattle breeders face numerous and diverse challenges in their business, but recent technological advances in genetics are proving successful in producing more profitable returns for breeding operations.  

Investment in genetics changing the game 

Improved return on genetic investment is being achieved at Cherrylock Cattle Co through in vitro fertilisation (IVF).  

Vytelle is setting the world standard in IVF reproduction through their integrated technology platform, Vytelle ADVANCE™, with a process that checks all the boxes – no donor set up or added labour, just bring the cow. 

Reproducing the right genetics is faster with Vytelle  hormone-free IVF which allows us to collect on either open or pregnant donors.  

Being able to collect pregnant cows has been a “game changer” for artificial breeding expert and Cherrylock Cattle Co principal Brad Gavenlock. 

“Pregnant cows –  that is where Vytelle and IVF is second to none,” he says.   

Cherrylock manages a wide range of breeding programs, from complete domestic operations for overseas companies, through to clients with just one donor cow.  

“My bottom line business is in progeny, but I was leaving cows empty and I was probably losing money because I was burning time on cows’ lifetimes. 

“No one wants empty cows running around for years on end, it is just not feasible.”  

No empty cows, faster rates and better service 

Cows aren’t left empty at Cherrylock anymore, with Vytelle’s IVF technology Vytelle ADVANCE™ allowing embryo collection females up to three months in calf.  

Technological advancements to the IVF process have also meant significant pregnancy rate improvements, making the advantages even more obvious.  

Compared to natural breeding or artificial insemination (AI), IVF accelerates genetic gain in any breeding program five times faster by taking advantage of the genetic merit of both the male and female side. 

It also offers a better return on each straw of expensive semen, as one straw can be used for several donors, rather than a straw per donor for traditional methods.  

And because Vytelle ADVANCE™  is completely non-stimulated, with no added hormone shots, this equates to much less animal handling, and decreased cost of time and inputs, which has allowed Cherrylock to offer a much better service.  

Technology that’s helping to grow business 

Before they started working with Vytelle just over 12 months ago, a big day of embryo collection at Cherrylock through the traditional in vivo derived (IVD) method (known as MOET) was 10 to 12 donor females.  

Now when the team from Vytelle are on-site, they are able to process up to 35 donors a day, which is a figure that speaks for itself.   

“Our business has grown through Vytelle as there are no lead up hormone shots, there’s no timing and organising, and a lot of our clients are busy people,” Brad says.  

Now their clients can just bring a donor for collection, and can be on their way home in about an hour.  

While genetics is a passion for Brad and the team at Cherrylock, it’s the calculator which drives decision making – it has to be profitable. 

“If you back in the tech and science behind it you are going to be pretty profitable and successful – if you don’t want to embrace it you won’t see us for the sunset*.” 

*Australian phrase meaning others won’t be able to catch up.  

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